When was the era of hard news?

by Adrian Mgaya

When you read the article Hard news is no news: the changing shape of news in 21st century you will found that the article tries to address different issue on journalism industry.
The author of an article Ndaeyo Uko is giving his opinion whereby he differentiate various kinds of writing style from that opinion he shows some of the writing style are old fashioned.
According to Ndaeyo Uko an inverted pyramid of writing is an old fashion since that it is not compete or familiar to the period we live in.
cartoonist show how hard news overturned by new media
Due to the changes that the world is passing through for example the communication methods we are used today is quietly different to the early communication methods especially due to the improvement of technology, so according to Uko the inverted pyramid style that uses 5w and H in the lead to brief what is written in the story is an old fashion.
The author argue that we live in the world that we have to stop to practice inverted pyramid because in new journalism  where there is emergence of television, radio ,and computer and the internet gives a little time for the news paper
Improvement of technology let to the decline of inverted pyramid since that ion early period correspondents filed stories via the telegram. Sometimes journalists were supposed to go straight to the point, telling the most important parts of the story this was used so as to minimize cost.
New media brought a great change to inverted pyramid since that it broke the use of 5W and H in the lead which was the traditional method.
A reader depend to journalist when buying a newspaper, readers believed that they could get as much information as possible from journalist, they wished to get all important information from journalist that information will help readers to understand the story but sometimes the inverted pyramid style did not gives the whole information since that it uses 5w and H in the intro which sometimes left readers in dilemma.
Sometimes the inverted pyramid help the reader to understand the story since that when he or she read the intro of the story may decide to continue or to stop reading the story as in inverted pyramid all important information are given in the intro (lead of the story) .
Technological advancement today brought online media the changes which makes news in easiest way where by all information in online media is well understood with the inclusion of some material which are not provided in the newspapers.
Since that in online media you will found that there is information which sometimes will comes with video attachments so as the reader will easily understand what the story is about to convey.
it is difficult for inverted pyramid to compete in 21st century with online media due to various factor like geographical area take an example the newspaper is published in South Africa and you are in Tanzania you will not get the news faster compare to the news reported in online media.
In newspaper news will expire easily but in online media it gives immediate for example the story is reported in the exactly time when the story occur.
Newspaper should change its way of presentation so as not to loose their audience whereby newspaper should continue to be published on printed paper but also to start the behavior of printed online their news for example newspaper will start their online web or forum so as to report breaking news like electronic media do this will atleast helps the newspaper to compete with electronic media for example Mwananchi newspaper, Majira newspaper and Habari leo newspaper has their online session.
Though it seems like online media are overturned print media especially newspaper, but the big issue is that journalist should remember that writing a news is not like writing a letter to your fiancee, therefore to differentiate journalist and other people who act like journalist much effort should put on impressive writing with creativity.
It is the time when journalist should learn how to write well with taste, to improve their grammar and addition of more creativity in their work.
To attract reader is the most important thing, a news which had not involved creativity will not attract readers hence good writing will not left question to the reader and made news so bored.
Journalist should think that their aim is to write for the people who wish to have fun from the work of journalist so it is the time for journalist to feel fun to write doing that it decorate the work of journalists.
All in all this era is the period of writing different from the previous era whereby journalist were used to to write as if it is not for the people to read it is just they write information and they command people to believe on it. there is no any creativity on their works which makes their story to be hard news.
Today there is no space for hard news readers wants to reads simple writings which they will understand fast and have fun from what they read.


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