
Showing posts from January, 2016
THE ERA OF TRADITIONAL MEDIA VS THE ERA OF INTERNET. by Adrian Mgaya Every thing under the sun have to change because there is "nothing last forever" this is include also newspaper where by it could must allow some changes so as to fulfill peoples' needs. Mathias Doepfner is  the current chief executive Axel Springer SE, when he was interviewed by BBC in Hard talk program, he gives a lot of his opinion about the competition between online media and printed media and more important he says about the future of digital media. Doepfner during the interview in hardtalk BBC  Mathias Doepfner is the chief  executive of Axel Springer SE which is a printed newspaper but he still believed that Internet performed better that media personnel who are dealing with printed media should also practice online media, that is to have their printed session at the same time they should still to print their newspaper in papers. His company ( printed newspaper ) for example deve...
Sanamu ya Askari Bonge la kivutio . by Adrian Mgaya. Macho hayana pazia ukweli huu unajidhihirisha pale ambapo umekatisha katikati ya jiji la Dar es salaam, achilia mbali shughuli ambazo unaweza ukawa nazo punde upitapo maeneo hayo hutoacha kutupia jicho vitu vilivyopo eneo hilo. Moja kati ya vitu ambavyo huvutia macho ya wakazi wengi pamoja na wageni wanaotembelea jiji la Dar es salaam ni sanamu kongwe ambapo ni nadra kuona mtu akatizaye eneo hilo kumuona akiacha kutupia jicho sanamu hilo. Licha ya pilika pilika zisizoisha zinazoendelea katika eneo linalojulikana kama posta ambapo sanamu ammbalo hutambulika kama sanamu la askari inapatiakana huwezi kukosa kuona baadhi ya watu wakishangaa na wengine hata kupiga picha (selfie) eneo lilipo sanamu hilo. Eneo lilipowekwa sanamu hilo la askari ni eneo la katikati ya barabara lililozungushiwa bustani ndogo ya maua inayoongeza ladha ya mvuto wa sanamu hilo, kuwepo kwa sanamu hilo eneo la katikati ya barabara kunatoa fursa ya ida...
When was the era of hard news? by Adrian Mgaya When you read the article Hard news is no news: the changing shape of news in 21 st century you will found that the article tries to address different issue on journalism industry. The author of an article Ndaeyo Uko is giving his opinion whereby he differentiate various kinds of writing style from that opinion he shows some of the writing style are old fashioned. According to Ndaeyo Uko an inverted pyramid of writing is an old fashion since that it is not compete or familiar to the period we live in. cartoonist show how hard news overturned by new media Due to the changes that the world is passing through for example the communication methods we are used today is quietly different to the early communication methods especially due to the improvement of technology, so according to Uko the inverted pyramid style that uses 5w and H in the lead to brief what is written in the story is an old fashion. The author argue that we...
New media and the future of newspapers. by Adrian Mgaya. Since that in any situation pass through changes is an avoidable thing, human cannot escape changes either its good or not good that is why there is a development. A human being is achieved on different perspectives of life whereby due to his struggle there is changes which made to some development on human life. Take an example in early period when human passed news is quietly different to the current period we are living today. Advancement of technology brought high level of changes on getting news many years back newspapers were the famous method which is used as a major instrument of news but the situation changes soon after the advancement of technology especially in communication the situation which brought people to start searching other source of news like radio and television. The great revolution was made by internet since that through internet human can able to access news as fast as he can the revolution ...